sustainable homes in Edmonton

The demand for more sustainable homes has never been higher. Standards both within Canada and internationally have begun to reflect the growing priority of environmental protection and reducing the effects of global climate change. Millions of homeowners are implementing energy efficiency upgrades to their homes. They are taking these steps to save money, lower their carbon footprint, and make their homes more comfortable and healthy places to live.

Based on interactions with over 3 million homeowners, Rise has come to understand that there are three motivations driving homeowner attitudes toward sustainability: health, wealth, or the planet. As you can imagine, there is a lot of overlap between these three motivations. One homeowner might prioritize local products and a healthy nursery, while another might be laser-focused on low utility bills.

1. Health

Paying attention to what is inside the home and taking initiatives that improve indoor air quality gives potential homeowners peace of mind.

Houses with low or no VOC paint, formaldehyde-free cabinets, and excellent ventilation are some of the examples of how people are turning their homes healthy and sustainable.

2. Wealth

We all know that energy-efficient homes save money every month.

Having high R-Values, efficient appliances, durable materials, and water-saving faucets and fixtures are some of the ways homeowners can save up thousands in costs. 

3. The Planet

Lastly, Alberta's grid relies on fossil fuels - both coal and natural gas. This type of power supply means that for every kWh that Albertans use, they emit 790 grams of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere - the highest in the country. This fact may not be something you think about on a day-to-day basis. Still, it means that every small action that families in Alberta make to reduce electricity use at home makes a BIG difference!




Posted by Bikram Bathh on


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